A list of physical healings, miracles, and demonstrations of providence within the church and involving members of the church after prayer:
- No artery blockage after a stroke
- Healed hip
- Healed ankle: ankle popped loudly and swelled visibly; swelling goes away completely minutes after prayer
- Poison ivy rash appears and disappears within minutes after prayer
- Improved shoulder mobility
- Pain released from knee
- Headache goes away
- Chronic migraines end after prayer of unforgiveness
- Back is healed during an outreach event
- Foot is healed during an outreach
- Suspicions of cancer gone (two individuals)
- Cancer is inadvertently removed completely
- Health is restored to someone who unexpectedly and rapidly became ill and was near death
- Job provision
- Near-accidents on highways averted (three individuals)
- Auto accident (near head-on collision) with no injuries
- Visions of rainbow and cross at a corporate baptism
- Asthma and irregular heart rate gone after corporate baptism
- Birth of a baby after years of prayer
- Leg grows to be even with other leg